12 March 2011

Day Two: Song

Preface: This is Day Two of the Lenten Blogging Challenge! A repository of ideas related to (or not) the time of the year that lapsed Catholics feel the most guilty about the state of our religious affairs. So what are we giving up for Lent, save for our dignity during the times we happily (?) surround ourselves with our Catholic friends? (1) Only our time and sanity to blog every day during the holiest of holies! In the spirit of my personal lapse, I have neglected to start this blogging challenge on day one, but I'm coming on strong on day 2.

From the guru herself, the prompt: Song: What have you been jamming out to lately? Why?

Shit. This is a toughie. Luckily, I have the perfect Lenten song. It's off of the new album from lo-fi guitar wiz Kurt Vile and it's called "Jesus Fever." You can download the song here. Some pretty, shambling guitar work and vocals that sound like the memory of loss Vile is singing about...

(1) (selected excerpts from guilt-ridden convos over the years: 
Pious: "You're eating red meat! But it's Friday, Joe, aren't you supposed to be eating fish like everyone else who's going to heaven?" 
More Pious: "I'm giving up sweets for Lent. What are you giving up? Oh, right, I forgot. You're not..."practicing" anymore." 
Most Pious: "So Joe, what you're telling me is that Jesus died and then went through all the trouble of resurrecting, etc. so you can be sloppy drunk on a Sunday?" Me: "Yes, precisely.") 

1 comment:

Gina Marie said...

Ok. I'm embarrassed to say I don't see what the open 2006-08 joke was. Can you just tell me?

I very much like this jam. Sometimes I get scared by the term lo-fi. Sometimes lo-fi sucks. Remember that band we saw before the Movie in the Park? Perfect example of shitty lo-fi-ery. I think that's who I'm thinking of.

Anyway, stoked you're in on this!