08 March 2010

Gold Soundz

I write a lot about music on this blog. Music and awkward situations. I love both. And this post has to do with music, but it's a special post. It's special because I have a wonderful announcement to make. Ready? Ok...

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT #1: Pavement is coming to the Twin Cities this fall.
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT #2: I got tickets!!!

This is a big deal. Pavement hasn't been a band since I was in 7th grade. Of course, I was so oblivious in 1999. I mean, singing along to Will Smith and Limp Bizkit was what I called fun back then. In the past decade, I've matured in my musical taste and Stephen Malkmus, the lead singer of Pavement, has gone on and done some solo stuff. A lot of it is very good. But it'll never be Pavement. If REM is the Roger Clemens (undoubtedly best pitcher/band of his/their generation; a big splash followed by a long, steady career) of early indie rock, and the Pixies are Barry Bonds (heavy hitters, but internally conflicted), then Pavement are Ken Griffey Jr. -- effortlessly good. Pavement defined the erudite slacker model that bands today try so hard to emulate. Stream of consciousness lyrics coupled with guitar that weaves in and out and raw melody, that's Pavement. It's late so I'm done ranting, but here, have a look (and buy tickets!) for yourself:

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