18 October 2009

And that's why you always stretch before IM softball games....

IM softball tonight: single, homerun, triple...pulled hamstring while tagging from third. I scored, but it also felt like someone punched the back of my leg. Hard. Pain. Probably not going to run in the half marathon on Halloween. Ice and Advil are in my future. Awesome!

1 comment:

PD said...

I'm not sure this is an appropriate use of someones blog or not but here I go. I've got one up now as well but have yet to post anything on it, maybe later tonight. Sooooooo, my excellent young friend, you finally have a serious running injury! (It doesn't matter if you got hurt doing road miles or playing on the jungle gym) You probably weren't aware of this but until now you hadn't earned your stripes. If you battle through this bump in the road and continue with said lifestyle, you can officially call yourself a "runner." Your dad an I are doing a little off-road race in a few weeks here in Iowa and its going to be an ugly affair . . . damn ugly! I have a prickly calf pull that doesn't want to heal. I don't know, its probably got something to do with being 42. I'm really starting to get the feeling a blog isn't the place for this, anyhoo, I'm sure you'll advise me later. Do you recognize the accompanying photo with my post? I bet it'll come to you, just think about clear-water walleyes. Gotta go, be good to yourself Joe, and take care of that hamstring!